Thursday, April 13, 2017

Diverse Position Science Fiction

I really enjoyed Bloodchild actually.  It was strange but interesting.  I think one of the best thing about scifi is getting to create a whole other culture and way of living. Bloodchild is a good example of this. It is a totally alien world and way of live using different part of our world and imagination.  I personally think this is way fantasy and scifi is the prefect place to explore diverse position of life since you don't have to weighted down but any sort of human history or idea, you could literally make your own.  So It's always a little disappointing to see a lot of the scifi and fantasy still be mostly based on white western heterosexual gender ideas when there isn't any reason for it.  I'm going to ask every writer who think aliens from a totally different planet would have the same ideas of gender, race, sexuality as human often do, why the hell that makes sense.

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